Track Templates VIP v1.1pre5 (2019-02-11)

Small update to Track Templates VIP. To change colours in the them you still have to manually edit the included theme file. Ideally I should add an interface to change it more easily. The theme file is replaced on updates, so make sure if you edit it, to have a backup to copy the changes again to the new them file.

the other option added in this update is to prevent brackets being added to the folder names. I didn't add an interface for this either, so you have to manually edit the variable in the settings file "TT_Settings_1.cfg" This file is safe in the Track Templates VIP settings folder, and it is not deleted when updating so it remembers your configuration after updating. 

* v1.1pre5 (2019-02-11)
  # crash dragging FX chain to empty area belowe tracks, now it adds FX chain to selected tracks.
  + Set "folder_brackets" to 0 to avoid adding brackets [ ] to the folder names.
  + added variables in theme. "over_color" sets the color for the mouse over buttons for templates and "over2_color" for FX chains.


I am working on HeDaMixer 2.0... stay tuned for some news! ;)